Saturday, March 29, 2008

Four Post Happy Weekend =]

Well today I did some things but not as much as I usually do. I stole "Resident Evil" from my friend and it SUCKS. The view is gay and the controls are really stupid. I mean I never got to fighting any zombies but I am sure I would have had nightmares anyways. I did a lot of drawing today. I am a big fan of drawing I use for ALL my digital art. Well today my cat Max had a big adventure he went outside and ran around the yard and we played "chase me" When we brought him in he had poop hanging out and we had to clean it up before he went onto the counters. I also wrote in my dream journal and I have to upload it to DV. I watched a program last night that was sad, It was about these two girls whose identities were misunderstood and one was dead and the other was with the wrong parents for 5 weeks. It was an interesting program and how one family found out the one they had been caring for for 5 weeks wasn't there child.The two looked very similar so I can see how they could misidentify them. Also yesterday I had trouble sleeping again because my cat kept meowing and my Dad won't let me take any sleeping pills but we are all losing sleep so we might have to put her to sleep soon. She is 17 years old her name is Sheba she is very dirty she makes the upstairs bathroom messy and we put her litter box in the shower so when she is gone we can use that shower again and not have to lock the door to that room. Anyways right now I am home alone because my parents are looking for new bikes. I didn't go because I guess it just doesn't intrust me. I am having a pretty slow day so I will update this when I have something good for later on.

Well I broke my toy gun I got like 6 years ago it was well built but I was too ruff with it. I have to glue it together now. I was also pretending I was a sharp shooter. I watched Grandma's Boy also and I downloaded Super Bad. I am downloading Cloverfield Right now. I am also fooling around with Google Earth seeing what people's houses look like from above etc. I was very bored today and I felt like I was going to die of bordem. Well I have to go eat so I will update you later tomorrow evening.

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