Friday, March 28, 2008

Third Post =] Happy Late Easter

Well this is the first time in a while I have posted because my blog was under suspicion of being a "spam" blog. Anyways a lot has happened. I made out with my girlfriend 3 times and a lot of other stuff. Well I will describe my three make outs to me. The first one was on Tuesday and we were sitting on my floor just talking and then she just leans close and we start making out. That was like heaven. The next one was Wednesday on my bed we were just staring into each others eye and then we just started making out and we stopped and then started and we were so into it we were trying to get closer than possible to each other and it was so good. We did this for about 20 minutes until she had to leave and we made out one last time before she left and then she was gone. Well that was one of the best days in my life. Well Today is friday and I am expecting that we might go out to eat. I love Friday's but it is a love hate relationship. I love them because no school but I hate them lately because I am grounded and no one can come over. But I still love my Fridays! They are a day were you can stay up late and go to the mall and hang with friend(never done that in my life) or you could be inside having a party or a family dinner. But most people either go to the mall or go out to dinner. Well today I just realized how damn cute this girl Olivia is in my class but of course she is out of my league (at least I think so) She is funny because she is always competitive with this other girl Cassandra in our Social Studies class and it is funny. She always wants to outdo her. She is a VERY hyper person all the time and she is short and has a nice body. I still love Amanda though she is my lover. She is sort of tall and has brown hair has glasses but looks better with them and  has a completely flat chest. I don't mind about the flat chest because I am not shallow like most guys. I use the word love like it is meant to be used not just because I am horny. Other things that happened is I am getting more organized in school. I keep everything in an accordion folder that has all the subjects. Something funny that happened in Science was that there was no substitute and we were dancing and singing and jumping on tables with book covers screaming "ME OBAMA" and this kid Joe pretended to be Hilary Clinton and made hilarious faces and said "OBAMA IS A SUCKY PRESIDENT" and we continued to do that all period. Today we had a substitute and I got to Tech Deck and talk to my friend Ryan all period since the work was so easy that I finished it in 2 minutes flat. Also I am getting better at the guitar which is good; my teacher said I am catching on fast. Also my cat Sheba or should I say my mom's cat Sheba might have cancer. We need to give her medicine because they are not 100 percent sure she does and if she does we will have to put her to sleep. My mom will be heart broken but lately she has been keeping everyone in the house up. Well I will post some more if anything happens later this evening. Well I forgot to mention I also have a dream journal because I love to Lucid dream it is so awesome. The link to it is: Yea I record all of my dream no matter how small in a dream journal I keep on my night stand I just started a few weeks ago. 

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