Friday, March 21, 2008

Second Blog Post (Happy good Friday :])

Well today I read a lot I finished Maximum Ride: Saving the world and other extreme sports and I started another book. Also I have been on Facebook a lot playing Jetman it is highly addicting. I think Facebook is way better than Myspace because it is less stupid and they have fun things like you can play Scrabble against people or other games and Myspace you can only have a profile which gets boring after a while so I go on FB more often now and I just got an account like a week or so ago. My high score as of now is 571 and I am trying to beat my friend high score of like 1,000. It is not as easy as it looks.  I increased my score to 880 :] Also I am still grounded which really suck and I am anxious to save 300 bucks to get an iPod touch so I can go on the internet with it and then the next thing I will get is a mac book because I need a laptop and I do not want to get a PC  and I love macs and it can run PC programs anyways. Oh and back to the grounding stuff I will tell you the story. Ok I didn't do very well on my progress report SO i edited on the computer and my parents found out so I am grounded for 2 weeks. The limitations are 1- no company 2-no computer after dinner 3- no going out with friends. Yea it is the first time I have been grounded for a while and I am so glad I found Jetman or I would die of boredom.  I hope that as my blog gets more and more posts it gets comments because 1 post so far and no comments but I am keeping up hope :] oh and if anybody thinks they know what is a good FB application to add leave a comment.

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