Thursday, March 20, 2008

My First Blog Post

Hey guys I have another blog but I feel this one will reach to a much wider audience :]

Ok So today is the first day of my grounding days(OH Goodie!) I can't have any company and I can only stay on the computer until after dinner. I will sum up my life as simple as I can. I am an adopted child and I live with my mother and father in Rhode Island. I am a really funny person and I like to make people laugh. I am not a person that wears Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister or any of the mainstream stuff( I shop at Macy's :]. I am popular but I am not a jerk like most of the popular people. I am am also not EXTREMELY popular. I am just not a nobody. I am a normal teenager. I love to play video games and I love my friends. I don't listen to rap I listen to Rock and Roll and older music. (I find rap stupid) I am not the top student in my class but I am close the only reason my grades aren't so hot is because I am lazy with my homework; but I am smarter at most things than most people in my class. The game systems I have are the Wii and the PSP; I am not a obsessive gamer but I would die without video games. I love to be outside in the summer and sledding in the winter. Most people say I am annoying when they don't really know me(it gets really annoying) At school most people in my majors think I am annoying and gay because they are real dumb asses. Like this girl named Tahira she is a total weirdo she literally has problems(it is really annoying) She is always telling me to shut up when I am reading to myself and she talks to herself and gets into arguments with her "inner self". As you can see I am not your typical teenager in some ways but most I am. Yes I talk to myself but only to remind myself and heck most people do. Well I will stop typing now and will post back tomorrow.

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