Friday, April 11, 2008

Today is a sad day

Well today I watched a movie for two periods in school. Also today marks the first day in April Vacation. I am so happy but yet I am sad because a hell of a lot of people are going away for the vacation and I am staying in Rhode Island. But at least my best friend Tim is staying in Rhode Island but he is "busy" most of the time. But I hope we get to play Tennis because I want to get better so we can play games again. Well the other sucky thing is my girlfriend is going to Florida so there goes my plans with her out the window. I mean I love having a week of but there might be no one around which would suck. But in good news I found my book I lost because my friend found it. At least I won't have no reading material. Well at least I get to catch up on my rest...but no vacation will never feel as long as last X-mass vacation. It felt like a month rather than a week. Well I will post tomorrow if anything happens.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Still not out of my mind

Well as usual I can't get that girl out of my mind who doesn't even like me. I did realize today in class how damn bad I want her. She is even in my dreams every night. I mean there must be some subliminal message. I find my eyes wandering to her beautiful face in class. I can't help but stare even though I should be finishing my math test. I mean I am with my girlfriend and we love each other and this girl is just sooo hot and "nice". anyways what I am working on doing today is making some videos to upload on youtube. I am making a series called "Random Shit" I already did the first episode that I made a while ago it is about us acting like communists. April vacation is coming up this week I am so glad because I can't wait to have no school and all fun. On top of that there is only 8 weeks of school left until summer. God I get happy even thinking about it. Swimming, Cape Cod, Warm, Bike rides. I can just see it now I smell the ocean breeze and feel it flowing over me. When it is summer it feels like a whole new world of possibilities. This year I have to go to camp again but my best buddy is coming which will help the situation. Speaking of my camp my art teacher from there came and subbed for art class(not my art class though =[ ) Ahh I loved looking across at the lake and wishing I was one of those rich people living large with there ski-dews and the whole lake to themselves. They are so lucky to be that rich.  From were we swim at camp you can see there jumpy thing that they put in the water. It is a great place to be now that I think about it I never took in the real beauty but it was great. Except for the time that I almost got bit by a fish that looked like a shark. This thing had it's mouth open and was swimming toward me and I gasped and swallowed water and swam like I was getting chased by Jaws(no pun intended) My friend Nester gave me a WTF look but I pointed to the fish and his eyes got so wide. Well anyways I will continue on what I am doing with my videos. Since it is getting to be better weather that means I can finally film outside and my friend is giving me a video editing program. Yea the only two things I am interested in right now is Tennis Kaitlyn and Making movies. Well I will update this if anything else happens which it probably will.


Well Phew I am tired I made some videos in my front yard and I helped my dad build part of a fence. I tell you it is hard work digging. With that special kind of shovel you use to dig holes for fence posts. Well I made a hilarious video were I was dancing at out of no where my friend throws a shoe at me and I trip and fall. Yea I made 5 videos in total. I am uploading them to youtube as we speak. Well my dad went on google and just for the hell of it looked up ballsack. I laughed so hard because he thought it wasn't really a word. Well that will be all for now Mr.Bond.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Still got that girl on my mind

I still have the problem with Kaitlyn she is still attractive and still more intresting than my girlfriend. I AM SOOO CONFUSED it pisses me off. Well today I played tennis still couldn't get my mind off her. Played Tennis for about 4 hours yea I got better but still had my mind on her though so that didn't help. Anyways I am focusing on tennis because it is the only thing that can get my mind off most things. God I can't believe it is Sunday night I hate Mondays they are evil they get you into the week though. Well nothing happened really but I improved my tennis skill. Nothing will get her off my mind; but maybe it is better that way. But were on two different planets she's cool and I am blah. She is hot and I am blah. Ah well life goes on well I am off to think this over while thinking of her. Just like the last few months.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Oh my gosh there is this girl in my class she is sooo hot but she hates me. She is so short and cute. Nice eyes, smart, her emotions are soo funny. Well today I couldn't stop thinking about her. I know I shouldn't be because I am not single but I just can't stop thinking about her. I mean she would never go out with me because she thinks I am a stalker. Well anyways the rest of the stuff I did today was take a nice bike ride and played a shit load of tennis I need to get good again so me and my dad can have a fair match. I love tennis but I still couldn't get that girl out of my mind. I need help I mean I know she will never like me and it is depressing and sad that I think about her when I am already in a relationship. Well I happy that I am getting back into playing tennis because I totally love it. I am also anxious about April Vacation three days alone THANK THE LORD. I love staying home alone it is fun stay on the computer all day and then say I was reading all day.

Random fact of the day: Bananas are yellow =]

Friday, April 4, 2008

Been Sick X[

The reason I have not posted it because my girlfriend and I have been really sick. But I am better now so I am happy. What I did all the days was watch movies and play Maple-story. I love playing racing games on FB I have a link that if you join this FB app  it get points Yea I used Petrol Head ChopShop Racing and Tuner Car. They are awesome application. Well enough with that I will continue on to the weeks happenings. Well today I am finally of grounding after two weeks. I can have friends over again and I am so happy. I just found out I cannot go to my first track meet because I have to go to a band festival that day. Yea I play the flute in band and out of band I play the guitar or should I say LEARNING the guitar. Right now I am watching Bad Boy's II because my parents don't let me watch rated R movies I have to watch them online instead. I loved the first one I saw on monday. They swear too much though. My cat is probably being put to sleep she is keeping us all up and she seems like she is in pain. Well I have no further updates so until tomorrow I bit you  farewell.