Friday, April 4, 2008

Been Sick X[

The reason I have not posted it because my girlfriend and I have been really sick. But I am better now so I am happy. What I did all the days was watch movies and play Maple-story. I love playing racing games on FB I have a link that if you join this FB app  it get points Yea I used Petrol Head ChopShop Racing and Tuner Car. They are awesome application. Well enough with that I will continue on to the weeks happenings. Well today I am finally of grounding after two weeks. I can have friends over again and I am so happy. I just found out I cannot go to my first track meet because I have to go to a band festival that day. Yea I play the flute in band and out of band I play the guitar or should I say LEARNING the guitar. Right now I am watching Bad Boy's II because my parents don't let me watch rated R movies I have to watch them online instead. I loved the first one I saw on monday. They swear too much though. My cat is probably being put to sleep she is keeping us all up and she seems like she is in pain. Well I have no further updates so until tomorrow I bit you  farewell.

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