Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Still not out of my mind

Well as usual I can't get that girl out of my mind who doesn't even like me. I did realize today in class how damn bad I want her. She is even in my dreams every night. I mean there must be some subliminal message. I find my eyes wandering to her beautiful face in class. I can't help but stare even though I should be finishing my math test. I mean I am with my girlfriend and we love each other and this girl is just sooo hot and "nice". anyways what I am working on doing today is making some videos to upload on youtube. I am making a series called "Random Shit" I already did the first episode that I made a while ago it is about us acting like communists. April vacation is coming up this week I am so glad because I can't wait to have no school and all fun. On top of that there is only 8 weeks of school left until summer. God I get happy even thinking about it. Swimming, Cape Cod, Warm, Bike rides. I can just see it now I smell the ocean breeze and feel it flowing over me. When it is summer it feels like a whole new world of possibilities. This year I have to go to camp again but my best buddy is coming which will help the situation. Speaking of my camp my art teacher from there came and subbed for art class(not my art class though =[ ) Ahh I loved looking across at the lake and wishing I was one of those rich people living large with there ski-dews and the whole lake to themselves. They are so lucky to be that rich.  From were we swim at camp you can see there jumpy thing that they put in the water. It is a great place to be now that I think about it I never took in the real beauty but it was great. Except for the time that I almost got bit by a fish that looked like a shark. This thing had it's mouth open and was swimming toward me and I gasped and swallowed water and swam like I was getting chased by Jaws(no pun intended) My friend Nester gave me a WTF look but I pointed to the fish and his eyes got so wide. Well anyways I will continue on what I am doing with my videos. Since it is getting to be better weather that means I can finally film outside and my friend is giving me a video editing program. Yea the only two things I am interested in right now is Tennis Kaitlyn and Making movies. Well I will update this if anything else happens which it probably will.


Well Phew I am tired I made some videos in my front yard and I helped my dad build part of a fence. I tell you it is hard work digging. With that special kind of shovel you use to dig holes for fence posts. Well I made a hilarious video were I was dancing at out of no where my friend throws a shoe at me and I trip and fall. Yea I made 5 videos in total. I am uploading them to youtube as we speak. Well my dad went on google and just for the hell of it looked up ballsack. I laughed so hard because he thought it wasn't really a word. Well that will be all for now Mr.Bond.

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